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    Experiences in Care Given During Child Birth at a Referral Hospital in Kenya
    (Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences, 2016-03) Kabo, J. W.; Karani, A.; Oyieke, J; Wakoli, A. B.; Cheruiyot, B.
    The fifth Millennium development Goal (MDG) calls for a reduction in the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) by 75% between 1990 and 2015, with a key indicator being the proportion of births attended to by skilled health personnel, (United Nations, 2007). In Kenya the MMR is 400 and has made insufficient progress towards improving maternal health, (UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, 2013). According to KDHS (2014), the proportion of skilled birth attendance is 46.5%, while in Kenya it is 62% against an MDG target of 90%. According to Zaers S., et al., (2008), prior experience in delivery care by skilled attendants affects their subsequent use of these services. In Africa little research has been carried out on the experiences of mothers in facility-based delivery care. This study was therefore set to describe the experiences of women during labour and delivery at a referral hospital in Kenya This was a cross sectional descriptive study that focused on experiences of delivery care by postnatal mothers at a referral hospital in Kenya. Systematic random sampling from a sampling frame of 327 was employed to recruit post-natal mothers who delivered in labour ward and four postnatal wards. A total of 109 participants were recruited into the study. Views and experiences of recently delivered women were elicited using a five-point Likert scale questionnaire focusing on four dimensions of participants’ intrapartum experience. Data was analyzed using ANOVA. Research results were presented in frequency distribution tables, graphs and charts. P-values were used to determine the statistical significance of the results obtained. Most participants (87.7%) agreed that they were treated with respect, accorded privacy and asked to consent, prior to the initiation of the procedures. A single aspect of communication, namely health provider explanation of health status with understandable terms was poorly rated (mean 1.8 to 2.2) as was the level of genuine interest in patient well-being (mean = 1.7 to 2.0) which was significant in the study. Most participant (n = 102(93.6%) said they would recommend delivery services at KNH to friends or family, although 6% of them said they would not recommend. Majority of the participants had a positive experience of quality in delivery care. This was evidenced by the fact that majority of then stated that they would come to deliver in the same institution again or recommend a relative or friend. Aspects of care such as health providers communicating to clients in understandable terms and showing genuine interest in patients wellbeing was rated poorly. Institutional factors such as inadequate space and shortage of staff were also noted to be significantly contributing to negative experience of delivery care in the study
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    (Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences, 2024-03) Ayisi, R. K.; Wakoli, A. B.
    Breast-feeding is an important determinant of a child’s nutritional status that eventually influences his/her growth and development. This study sought to assess the exclusive breastfeeding rate and determine its association with nutrition status, growth and morbidity pattern among infants aged 0-6 months in a peri urban settlement of Kangemi-Nairobi County, Kenya. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted. A random sample of 334 infants was studied. Data collection tools and methods included a semi-structured questionnaire and anthropometric measurements. A chi-square test was used to find associations at a significance level of 0.05. Findings showed that over a half (52.7%) of study infants were girls and almost a half (47.3%) were boys. The mean age was 3±1.8 months. The exclusive breastfeeding rate was 45.5% and it was associated with growth and stunting (9.3%) among study infants. Wasting (3.1%), underweight (4.5%) and morbidity pattern were not related with exclusive breastfeeding.
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    (European International Journal of Science and Technology, 2016-12) Robert Kangwana Ayisi; Faith Thuita; Erastus Njeru; Albert Burudi Wakoli
    Exclusive breastfeeding for six months is the most effective preventive intervention for ensuring child survival. However, uptake of exclusive breastfeeding remains a challenge. This study aimed at investigating factors that enable some mothers to practise exclusive breastfeeding for six months successfully. The study was conducted in Kangemi of Nairobi city county, Kenya. It utilized qualitative methods to elicit information from participants. These were focus group discussions, key informant interviews and case studies to explore on factors that enabled them to exclusively breastfeed for the recommended six months. Data were analysed using Atlas-Ti program. The study findings showed that, support from health care providers, community health workers and significant others like husband and mothers in-law promoted the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. Further, availability of the mother, modification of work pattern and self-determination were key to the success of exclusive breastfeeding.
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    Appropriate care for mother and newborn during postnatal period is vital to preventing complications and deaths that occur immediately after child birth. This study investigated adequacy of postnatal education provided by health workers to postpartum mothers prior to discharge in various health facilities in Nairobi County. A descriptive cross-sectional study was used. A sample of 422 mothers was selected from 18 health facilities. Semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. The Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA) was used to determine adequacy of knowledge. Chi-square test was used to find associations at a significance level of 0.05. From the study findings, less than a half (49%) of mothers had adequate knowledge. Evaluation of knowledge on components of postnatal care education indicated mothers’ knowledge on breast feeding components as highest with a mean of 74.8±28.7 and knowledge on baby care components as lowest with a mean 54±11.
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    Integrated Resistivity Techniques for Groundwater Potential Evaluation in Matuu, Machakos County, Kenya.
    (Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2016-01) Odero Evance O.; K’Orowe Maurice O; Githiri John G; Munyithya James
    In order to evaluate groundwater potential of Matuu-Kilango area an understanding of its subsurface formations and associated geo-electric parameters was critical alongside delineation of faults and fractures which are groundwater conduits. Earlier use of geological reconnaissance report only or none at all in siting boreholes has led to recorded cases of borehole failure in Matuu. Integrated resistivity survey involving Wenner and Schlumberger array techniques was applied over a 25 square kilometre area with an aim of locating groundwater aquifer and the associated characteristic and geometry. Control resistivity measurement was conducted adjacent to existing boreholes to synchronize resistivity results with borehole logging report. Qualitative interpretation involving generation of contour maps for resistivity values from Wenner array was attempted and an anomalous low resistivity zone was observed at the western part of Matuu-Kilango area. Inversion results from vertical electrical soundings were obtained using IPI2Win software giving three to four layered geo electrical sections having the inferred aquiferous layer in between resistive black top soil and hard gneiss basement. Fractured/faulted zone was identified to the west of Matuu-Kilango area with the inferred aquifer existing at about 100 meters depth having general orientation of South-East to North-West and an average width of 1500 meters. Along the faulted zone were prevalent increasing values of transverse resistance as well as longitudinal conductance calculated from resistivity sounding results, an indication of availability of groundwater resource.
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    Characterization of Transmissivity Attributes of Fractured Aquifers from Geo-electrical models: Matuu, Kenya
    (International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS), 2016-05) Korowe M. O,; Odero E,
    Vertical electrical soundings (VES) have been used to estimate transmissivity of aquifers in Matuu, Kenya. The Schlumberger configuration was used for geo electrical data acquisition. The half–currents electrode (𝐴𝐴𝐵𝐵/2) spacing ranged from 1.5m to 200m.The quantitative interpretation of the VES curves involved the use of partial curve matching and the 1-D computer iteration technique. The depth sounding interpretation results were used to generate geo-electric models from which the aquifer was delineated. The geo-electric sections mostly reveal a three layer formation of the A-type which comprises the topsoil, weathered/semi-weathered and fractured basement. The weathered/semi weathered layers constitute the aquiferous zone in all the stations. Transmissivity (T) is one of the most important parameters in determining groundwater potential; it is generally estimated from pumping tests. In this study the relation between hydraulic parameters and geo-electrical parameters using both experimental and theoretical data sets from Finland, Nigeria, India and Egypt, have been tested on data from Matuu. Cross-plots of transmissivity and tranverse resistance for data sets generated for Matuu from these relationships showed good correlation. From the foregoing the relationships developed from data from Ondo state, Nigeria (theoretical) and West coast Goa, India (experimental) have therefore been used to estimate spatial variations of transmissivity. It is hoped that this information would serve as a useful guide to groundwater exploration in Matuu.
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    Exploring Heat Sources Using Gravimetric Data: A Case Study of Magadi Geothermal Prospect, Kenya
    (Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2024, 12, 147-161, 2024-05-17) Evance Odero; John Githiri; Maurice K’Orowe
    Understanding the location of the subsurface heat sources is crucial for effi cient geothermal resource exploration and exploitation. This study aimed to investigate the faults and the depth to heat sources for a geothermal system in Magadi, southern Rift Valley, through the integration of gravity mapping, 3D Euler deconvolution, and spectral analysis. Gravity mapping is a powerful geophysical method widely used to infer subsurface density variations, which are indicative of geological structures and volcanic intrusions that can be po tential heat sources. The Volcano-Tectonic and Fluvial-Deltaic Sedimentation process of the Kenyan rift which encompasses the Magadi basin are responsi ble for geomorphic and geologic processes in the area. Alkali lava sheets of Magadi plateau trachytes covered with lacustrine sediments characterize 80% of the area. Deeper is the Tanzanian craton basement, overlain by Pliocene to Miocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks. A gravity survey with a data density of 2.375 stations/km2 produced high-resolution anomaly and total horizontal derivative maps showing gravity highs between −180 mGals to −174 mGals along the eastern zone of the study area. A buried major fault trending N-S was delineated in the mid-upper region of the area by Euler solutions at an average depth of 350 meters. Deeper features associated with possible volcan ic dykes and sills gave Euler depth ranges of 0.7 km to 2.2 km. Radial average spectral analysis showed depth to the top of shallow and deep features at 2.4694 km and 5.827 km respectively. The correlation between gravity ano malies, geological structures, and present hot springs supports the hypothesis that volcanic processes have played a significant role in the development of the geothermal system in the study area.
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    2D-Euler Deconvolution technique and Electrical Self-Potential analysis for subsurface structures delineation in Matuu, Machakos County, Kenya
    (IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG), 2015-12) Odero E.O.; K’Orowe M. O; Githiri J. G.
    In order to evaluate groundwater potential of Matuu-Kilango area faults and fractures which are groundwater conduits had to be delineated. Earlier use of geological reconnaissance report only in siting boreholes has led to recorded cases of borehole failure in Matuu. Integrated geophysical survey involving magnetics and electrical self-potential techniques was applied over a 25 square kilometre area. Qualitative interpretation involving generation of contour maps for magnetic anomaly as well as self-potentials was attempted. Euler Deconvolution solutions were obtained using a structural index of 0.5 that gave well clustered solutions and discontinuities over the anomalous zone. Fractured/faulted zone was identified to the west of Matuu-Kilango area with faults and fractures existing at 100m depth having general orientation of South-East to North-West. Along the faulted zone was prevalent negative self-potential values ranging from -10mV to about -100mV, an indication of availability of groundwater resource.
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    In Vitro Antibacterial activity of Methanolic-aqua extract of Tragia brevipes Leaves
    (2014-02) Anthoney SwamyT; Mutuku Chrispus Ngule; Jackie Obey K
    The plant Tragia brevipes is used traditionally as purgative and in the treatment of stomach problems, in the lower eastern part of Kenya. The aim of this research was to evaluate the antibacterial activities of the crude extract of Tragia brevipes leaves. The crude was extracted using methanol and water in the ratio of 9:1. Antibacterial activity was done using well diffusion methods and the data analysed using SPSS software to compare the means and also check whether there was significance between the zones of inhibitions caused by the plant extract and also those caused by the positive control. Tragia brevipes was found to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli (12.00 ± 0.577), Salmonella sp. (10.33 ± 0.333), Enterobacter aerogenes (9.33 ± 0.333), Bacillus cereus (23.67 ± 0.882), Serratia liquefaciens (5.00 ± 2.646) and Proteus vulgaris (8.67 ± 0.333). The results obtained scientifically justify the traditional use of the plant to treat against enteric microbes such as Salmonella typhi and Enterobacter aerogenes. Tragia brevipes can be used as an antibiotic against all the microorganisms tested.
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    In Vitro Antibacterial activity of Ethanolic - aqua extract of Tagetes minuta leaves harvested from The University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Nandi County, Kenya
    (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY & LIFE SCIENCES, 2015-05) Anthoney Swamy T; Jackie K. Obey; Terer E. Kipngetich; Miyogo Edwin
    Tagetes minuta is a plant that has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various illnesses. In this study, the ethanolic extract of T. minuta was tested for its antibacterial activity against selected microorganisms of clinical significance. In an antibiotic susceptibility assay using the plant extract and DMSO control, the results from the study showed that the extract was active against Proteus vulgaris with zone of inhibition of 17.30±0.333mm, Escherichia coli 9.30±0.333mm, Salmonella typhi 11.83±0.44mm, Bacillus cereus 8.00±0.000 and Enterobacter aerogenes 16.67±0.882mm. The penicillin positive control showed high zones of inhibition while the DMSO negative control showed no zones of inhibition. An analysis of variance test on the results showed that there were significant differences in the zones of inhibition of the extract and penicillin against all the organisms (p<0.0001). These results have shown that the growth of these organisms can be controlled with the extract, hence making the extract components potential agents for incorporation into drug production.
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    Evaluation of in vitro antibacterial activity in Senna didymobotrya roots methanolic-aqua extract and the selected fractions against selected pathogenic microorganisms
    (Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 2014) Anthoney Swamy T; Mutuku Chrispus Ngule; Jackie K. Obey; Akumu Edwin; Makau Elijah Ngule
    The study was done to evaluate antibacterial activity in Senna didymobotrya roots methanolic-aqua extract and the selected fractions against selected pathogenic bacterial organisms. The aqueous fraction of S. didymobotrya root inhibited B.cereus giving the best results followed by Salmonella typhi, P.vulgaris, S. liquefaciens and E. coli respectively. There was no inhibition for E. aerogenes. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the organisms were significantly different in the zones of inhibition (p< 0.05). The ethyl acetate fraction of S. didymobotrya root extract inhibited B. cereus the best followed by, Salmonella typhi, P.vulgaris, S. liquefaciens and E. coli respectively(Table 1). The extract fraction did not inhibit E. aerogenes. The crude extract of S. didymobotrya root inhibited all the organisms, with the best zone of inhibition been that of Bacillus cereus (29.67±0.882), followed by P.vulgaris (16.67±0.667), Salmonella typhi (15.67±0.667), E. coli (13.33± 0.667), E. aerogenes (12.00±0.000) and Serratia liquefaciens (11.33±0.667). These results have shown that S. didymobotrya extract show significant activity against all the organisms tested. The inhibition of the plant roots extract to the growth of all the organisms greatly depicts the plant roots to have great potency towards the treatment of diseases caused by the organisms. The antibacterial activity of the plant roots is due to the presence of important phytochemicals as observed in previous studies. Further research needs to be done in order to isolate the active compounds, their structural elucidation, mode of action and their effect in the in vivo environment.
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    (2013-09-11) AUSTRALE LEAVES Anthoney Swamy Thangiah; Mutuku Chrispus Ngule; Obey Jackie K
    The study was carried to analyze the phytochemical constituents of the Acanthospermum australe. The plant samples were extracted using methanol and water in the ratio of 9:1. From the study the extract of Acanthospermum australe was found to contain tannins, saponins, terpenoids, phenols, alkaloids, steroidal rings but steroids and flavonoids were found to be absent. The presence of these important phytochemicals in the plant roots is a scientific justification of the plant use in the traditional treatment against various diseases affecting humans and animals. However, more research needs to be done to identify the specific compounds, their structural formulas and contribution towards medicinal values of the plant.
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    (International Journal of Bioassays, 2014-08-08) Anthoney Swamy T; Jackie K Obey; Terer Erick Kipngetich; Miyogo Edwin
    The aim of this study was to analyse the antibacterial Activity of Pittosporum viridiflorum leaves extract against laboratory strains of selected microorganisms. Infusions of the bark of P. viridiflorum are used to treat stomach complaints, chest pain, malaria and other fever. The mean zones of inhibition of the extract against microorganisms were 12.67±0.882 mm for Enterobacter aerogenes, 12.50±0.281mm for Escherichia coli, 11.67±0.333 mm for Proteus vulgaris, 11.67±0.000mm for Bacillus cereus and 7.67±0.333mm for Salmonella typhi. The penicillin positive control showed large zones of inhibition and the dimethylsulfoxide negative control did not show any zone of inhibition. This report suggests that the extract was active against all the other organisms except S. typhi because the zone of inhibitions was less than 8 mm. Analysis of variance showed that the zones of inhibition of the extract and antibiotic control against the microorganisms were significantly different (p<0.0001). The Tukey’s honestly test further showed both significant and non-significant comparisons between the extract and controls for various bacterial organisms. This study has shown that controlling the growth of microorganisms in vitro can be achieved by the ethanolic extract of P. viridiflorum.
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    (2023-09) Anthoney Swamy Thangiah; Mutuku Chrispus Ngule; Obey Jackie K
    The study was carried to analyze the phytochemical constituents of the Senna didymobotrya roots. The plant samples were extracted using methanol and water in the ratio of 9:1. The crude extract was disintegrated using different solvents according to their polarity. The solvents used were chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol and water respectively. All the extracts were subjected to phytochemical study using standard procedures. From the study the of crude extract of Senna didymobotrya was found to contain tannins, saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, steroidal rings but steroids were found to be absent. The presence of these important phytochemicals in the plant roots is a scientific justification of the use of the plant in the traditional treatment against various diseases affecting humans and animals. However, more research needs to be done to identify the specific compounds, there structural formulas and their medicinal values.
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    Effects of Social Media on Academic Performance among Undergraduate Students in Moi University: Case of Information Science Students
    (Mara Research Journals, 2017-02-11) Richard Guto; Hellen Magut
    Social media usage has increased among university students around the world as more and more students get introduced into the various networked groups. Technology has immense potential that if fully adopted, may improve the teaching and learning processes in universities. However, the use of social media has not been fully adopted because it has been criticized for wasting students’ study time, have effect on students’ performance and grammar and lack of clear academic purpose that social media contribute. The objective of the study was to establish whether social media has effect on academic performance of Information Science undergraduate students of Moi University. The literature review focused mainly on the concept of social media usage in universities. The study population comprised of 407 students from the school of Information Science and a sample of 62 respondents was drawn from the population of 407 students using the Kothari’s formula (2004). The study was conducted through descriptive survey using the quantitative approach. Data was collected using questionnaires. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of the study concluded that social media is a powerful tool for academic advancement. The study recommended that students should be educated on proper use of social media; provision of guidelines on the extent of social media use should be provided and students should also be equipped with better internet connection to enhance accessibility.
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    (2019-07) Odoyo Michael Olela
    Examinations can be messy when used summatively to gauge the level of attainment posing adverse influence to the process of curriculum implementation. This influence is likely to hit hard various teachers’ practices such as lesson preparation, lesson implementation, classroom management, formative assessment and syllabus completion. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions on summative evaluation, both classroom summative evaluation done at the end of the term/year and the national examination, and its influences on the teachers’ classroom practices in Rarieda Sub-county, Siaya County, Kenya. The study was guided by motivational theory-extrinsic and intrinsic theories. This study employed descriptive and correlational research designs. Stratified sampling and cluster sampling techniques were used to obtain the desired sample of 250 teachers. Questionnaire and focus group discussion were used to gather information from the respondents. The questionnaires’ construct, content and face validity was ascertained through expert judgments and the reliability was established through pilot testing yielding Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of .620 and higher. The data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The study revealed that there is significant relationship between perceptions on classroom summative evaluation and classroom management (r=.264), formative assessment (r=.383) and syllabus completion (r=.192) and between perceptions on national examination and lesson preparation (r=.281), lesson implementation (lower-order/higher-order) (r=.183), (r=.281), classroom management (r=.451), and formative assessment (r=.541). The study recommended that teachers should give their focus to acquisition of attitudes, values and skills that are needful in this century and adopt good classroom practices to ensure in-depth learning.
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    The Influence of Financial Literacy on Resourceful Preparedness for Retirement among Employees of West Kenya Union Conference Organizations and Institutions
    (Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), 2021-09) Reu Kingetich Katam; Dr. Jackson Oyaro Ong’eta; Dr. Sara Biru
    Enhancing financial literacy is the greatest need linked to employee resourceful preparedness for retirement. This is because, as the individuals become financially literate, they develop the skills and competence required to make informed choices. On the other hand, the lack of understanding of financial matters cripples economic progress. The study therefore sought to assess the influence of financial literacy on resourceful preparedness for retirement among employees of West Kenya Union Conference organizations and institutions. The study capitalized on descriptive and inferential research design in order to come up with the findings. Stratified random sampling was used to identify the respondents from seven organizations and four institutions found within the territory of West Kenya Union Conference. Questionnaire was administered online and data was obtained from two hundred and forty-one respondents. The first part covered the demographic factors of the respondents, the second section focused on the level of financial literacy, the third segment centered on assessing the level of resourceful preparedness for retirement. Finally, a correlation analysis was carried out in order to determine if there is any relationship between the variables of the study. The results showed that there was a statistically significant positive influence of financial literacy on resourceful preparedness for retirement. The findings further indicated that on the aspects of financial literacy, the respondents were ‘to a great extent’ literate. On the aspects of resourceful prepared for retirement, the respondents are ‘to a great extent’ prepared for retirement. The researcher therefore recommends that all organizations/institutions should formulate policies and develop programs on education and training on financial literacy to progressively equip employees to be resourcefully prepared for retirement.
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    The Effect of Accounting Software (Sunplus) on Quality of Financial reporting of the Seventh day Adventist Organizations and Institutions within West Kenya Union Conference
    (Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), 2021) Andrew Kiplimo Boit; Dr. Jackson Oyaro Ong’eta; Dr. Sara Biru
    Maintenance, preparation and presentation of financial reports is crucial for business success as well as effective decision making in organizations. The Accounting software that an organization adopts would greatly influence the quality of financial reporting and hence provide organizational guidance in decision making. The study therefore sought to investigate the association between accounting software (SunPlus) and the quality of financial reporting in Seventh day Adventist organizations and institutions within West Kenya Union conferences. It targeted accountants who are users of SunPlus accounting software. The objectives of the study was to determine characteristics of SunPlus accounting software, the characteristics of users of SunPlus accounting software, the quality of Financial Reporting of the Seventh-day Adventist organizations and finally to determine the effect of characteristics of Users of SunPlus software on quality of Financial Reporting as well as characteristics of SunPlus software and the quality of Financial Reporting in Seventh Day Adventist organizations and institutions within West Kenya Union conferences. The study employed descriptive research designs. The questionnaire was administered online and data was obtained from 70 respondents. Data was analyzed descriptively using frequencies, means and standard deviations. The findings of the study showed that majority of the participants were male, which represent 61% of the total participants. The overall rating showed that the quality of user of SunPlus accounting software is high with the mean rating of 4.1. The overall rating on financial controls was very high with mean rating of 4.50. The mean score rating of the financial reports generated by the SunPlus accounting software was high. There is a strong positive effect of Characteristics of users of SunPlus software on quality of financial reporting.
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    The Controlling Effect Of Investment Decisions On The Behavioral Factors Influencing Investment Performance Of Individual Investors In Nairobi Security Exchange
    (International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2021-11) Jackson Oyaro Ong’eta
    Investment performances are usually influenced by various investors behavioural factor including public and private information factors. The major goal of this research was to analyze the controlling influence of investment decision on the behavioral factors that influence individual investors' investment performance in the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The investigators hypothesized that H01: Investment decision does not significantly control the relationship between the following behavioural factors-herding, prospect (loss aversion, regret aversion, and escalating the commitment), heuristic (availability bias and overconfidence) and investment performance of the individual investors in Nairobi Securities Exchange. The investigator used a survey study design to reach the aim of 1,196,995 individual investors on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The Slovin's method was used to estimate the 400 sample size of a population, while the researcher used the Nairobi Securities Exchange's top limit of 500 individual investors. To acquire primary data, a structured questionnaire was used. The study established that investment decision did not significantly control the relationship between the following behavioural factors-herding, prospect (loss aversion, regret aversion, and escalating the commitment), heuristic (availability bias and overconfidence) and investment performance of the individual investors in Nairobi Securities Exchange. The researcher recommends that the capital market authority create awareness through investors education on the importance of investment in stock market. The authority should further organize investment sensitization for the individual investors through the media such as the radio and television to promote availability of public information to individual investors in NSE.
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    Performance of Procurement Methods and Practices in Faith – Based Organizations in Kenya
    (International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), 2020-09) Nomelif Kemei; Oyaro Jackson Ong‟eta; Biru Sara; Omondi Richard Mc‟Otieno
    Faith – based organizations in Kenya have grown in terms of their operations and systems. This growth has necessitated the establishment of various strategic business units aimed at improving their performance and productivity. One of the key strategic business units that has been adopted by most of these organizations is the procurement units. The procurement function is considered as one of the key functional areas of any organization. This is due to its strategic position in enhancing the performance of the organization both in terms of improving their financial performance as well as managing the quality of service and products by the organizations. This study by adopting the descriptive research design and involving procurement staff and committee members from 18 institutions, and by using self – constructed survey questionnaire aimed at evaluating the performance effectiveness of the procurement methods and practices as used in the faith-based organizations in Kenya by addressing the following research questions: What is the place of procurement in the operations of the organizations?; What are the procurement methods used in the organizations under the category of Competitive methods and Non-competitive methods; What is the level of effectiveness of the procurement practices used in the organizations based on Costs of procurement, Quality of procurement and Risk mitigation ability; Is there a significant relationship between the place of procurement in the organization and the level of effectiveness of procurement practices and Is there a significant relationship between the assessment of the relationship between the organization and its suppliers and the place of procurement in the organization and the level of effectiveness of procurement practices. Descriptive statistical tools including frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were used to analyze the data. Additionally, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used in testing the null hypothesis. The study established that procurement is well placed, competitive procurement methods are mostly used compared to the non-competitive methods. There was a significant positive and moderate relationship between place of procurement in the organization and the level of effectiveness of procurement practices (r = 0.309; P = 0.012<0.05) and the self-assessment of the relationship between the organization and its suppliers (r = 0.355; P = 0.004<0.05). The study concludes that competitive procurement methods are mostly used as compared to the non-competitive methods, the institution have procurement practices that are cost effective, high quality and effective in risk mitigation.