Effects of Social Media on Academic Performance among Undergraduate Students in Moi University: Case of Information Science Students

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Mara Research Journals
Social media usage has increased among university students around the world as more and more students get introduced into the various networked groups. Technology has immense potential that if fully adopted, may improve the teaching and learning processes in universities. However, the use of social media has not been fully adopted because it has been criticized for wasting students’ study time, have effect on students’ performance and grammar and lack of clear academic purpose that social media contribute. The objective of the study was to establish whether social media has effect on academic performance of Information Science undergraduate students of Moi University. The literature review focused mainly on the concept of social media usage in universities. The study population comprised of 407 students from the school of Information Science and a sample of 62 respondents was drawn from the population of 407 students using the Kothari’s formula (2004). The study was conducted through descriptive survey using the quantitative approach. Data was collected using questionnaires. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of the study concluded that social media is a powerful tool for academic advancement. The study recommended that students should be educated on proper use of social media; provision of guidelines on the extent of social media use should be provided and students should also be equipped with better internet connection to enhance accessibility.