2D-Euler Deconvolution technique and Electrical Self-Potential analysis for subsurface structures delineation in Matuu, Machakos County, Kenya

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IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG)
In order to evaluate groundwater potential of Matuu-Kilango area faults and fractures which are groundwater conduits had to be delineated. Earlier use of geological reconnaissance report only in siting boreholes has led to recorded cases of borehole failure in Matuu. Integrated geophysical survey involving magnetics and electrical self-potential techniques was applied over a 25 square kilometre area. Qualitative interpretation involving generation of contour maps for magnetic anomaly as well as self-potentials was attempted. Euler Deconvolution solutions were obtained using a structural index of 0.5 that gave well clustered solutions and discontinuities over the anomalous zone. Fractured/faulted zone was identified to the west of Matuu-Kilango area with faults and fractures existing at 100m depth having general orientation of South-East to North-West. Along the faulted zone was prevalent negative self-potential values ranging from -10mV to about -100mV, an indication of availability of groundwater resource.
DOI: 10.9790/0990-03623036