Characterization of Transmissivity Attributes of Fractured Aquifers from Geo-electrical models: Matuu, Kenya

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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS)
Vertical electrical soundings (VES) have been used to estimate transmissivity of aquifers in Matuu, Kenya. The Schlumberger configuration was used for geo electrical data acquisition. The half–currents electrode (𝐴𝐴𝐵𝐵/2) spacing ranged from 1.5m to 200m.The quantitative interpretation of the VES curves involved the use of partial curve matching and the 1-D computer iteration technique. The depth sounding interpretation results were used to generate geo-electric models from which the aquifer was delineated. The geo-electric sections mostly reveal a three layer formation of the A-type which comprises the topsoil, weathered/semi-weathered and fractured basement. The weathered/semi weathered layers constitute the aquiferous zone in all the stations. Transmissivity (T) is one of the most important parameters in determining groundwater potential; it is generally estimated from pumping tests. In this study the relation between hydraulic parameters and geo-electrical parameters using both experimental and theoretical data sets from Finland, Nigeria, India and Egypt, have been tested on data from Matuu. Cross-plots of transmissivity and tranverse resistance for data sets generated for Matuu from these relationships showed good correlation. From the foregoing the relationships developed from data from Ondo state, Nigeria (theoretical) and West coast Goa, India (experimental) have therefore been used to estimate spatial variations of transmissivity. It is hoped that this information would serve as a useful guide to groundwater exploration in Matuu.