Odero Evance O.K’Orowe Maurice OGithiri John GMunyithya James2024-09-102024-09-102016-013159-0040https://ir.ueab.ac.ke/handle/123456789/193In order to evaluate groundwater potential of Matuu-Kilango area an understanding of its subsurface formations and associated geo-electric parameters was critical alongside delineation of faults and fractures which are groundwater conduits. Earlier use of geological reconnaissance report only or none at all in siting boreholes has led to recorded cases of borehole failure in Matuu. Integrated resistivity survey involving Wenner and Schlumberger array techniques was applied over a 25 square kilometre area with an aim of locating groundwater aquifer and the associated characteristic and geometry. Control resistivity measurement was conducted adjacent to existing boreholes to synchronize resistivity results with borehole logging report. Qualitative interpretation involving generation of contour maps for resistivity values from Wenner array was attempted and an anomalous low resistivity zone was observed at the western part of Matuu-Kilango area. Inversion results from vertical electrical soundings were obtained using IPI2Win software giving three to four layered geo electrical sections having the inferred aquiferous layer in between resistive black top soil and hard gneiss basement. Fractured/faulted zone was identified to the west of Matuu-Kilango area with the inferred aquifer existing at about 100 meters depth having general orientation of South-East to North-West and an average width of 1500 meters. Along the faulted zone were prevalent increasing values of transverse resistance as well as longitudinal conductance calculated from resistivity sounding results, an indication of availability of groundwater resource.en-USIntegrated Resistivity Techniques for Groundwater Potential Evaluation in Matuu, Machakos County, Kenya.Article